
Methods for Population-Scale Single Cell and Spatial Multi-omics Data Analysis

Population-level single-cell gene expression data captures the gene expressions of thousands of cells from each individual within a sizable cohort. This data enables the construction of cell-type- and individual-specific gene expression distributions and gene co-expression networks. This talk will present new statistical methods for link such individual-level gene expression distributions to covariates or phenotypes in the general framework of object data regression. 


Dr. Hongzhe Li is Perelman Professor of Biostatistics, Epidemiology and Informatics at the Perelman School of Medicine at the University of Pennsylvania.  He is Vice Chair for Research Integration, Director of Center of Statistics in Big Data and former Chair of the Graduate Program in Biostatistic at Penn. Dr. Li’s research focuses on developing statistical and computational methods for analysis of large-scale genetic, genomics and metagenomics data and theory on high dimensional statistics. 


The Challenges and Opportunities of Incorporating Diverse Populations in Multi-omics Research


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